By Dylan Jones


“Climate change”, or – How to distract attention from the deliberate project to melt the Arctic


Two modes of climate modification were the cause of the extreme fluctuations in weather and the accompanying distortions in the jet stream.

The slowing of the west to east flow of the jet stream produces large meandering lobes that can stall, resulting in long periods of unchanging weather.  Source: Skeptical Science

At the time of writing, early January 2017, central and eastern Europe had been in the grip of extremely anomalous cold weather.

In this weather bulletin Chris Fawkes explains that the loops allow warm air into Arctic regions and cold air into parts of southern Europe. Around 20 seconds, note the abnormally pronounced trough in the jet stream extending down all the way to Greece and Turkey.


Now watch the second video of this BBC article:

Europe cold weather death toll rises

At around 22 seconds, we again have an image of the distorted jet stream pattern.

 Chris Fawkes:

 What brought the cold weather to Europe was a very elongated jet stream pattern that allowed cold air to sink southwards out of the Arctic

But in fact: The jet stream is a result of the interaction of cold and warm air masses. It does not “allow” anything.

 Contrary to popular belief, the jet stream does not “cause” weather conditions of a certain type to occur. Its existence is instead the result of certain weather conditions (a large temperature contrast between two air masses).

 The cold air mass was artificially intensified, resulting in it encroaching further south along with the associated jet stream pattern.

 Observe this time that the jet stream actually splits and forms a ridge north and a trough south. This is an indication that whilst cooling modification is being employed south, through the use ofartificial ice nucleating agents such as potassium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, urea and bacteria that drive temperatures above freezing to below, warming modification, the predominant mode entailing the laying down of artificial cirrus cloud formations, is employed further north.

 What’s important to note is that whilst Greece and Turkey are being inundated with cold, the Arctic continues warming at an unprecedented rate. The cold air masses are not originating from the Arctic, they originate from further south.

“Forecasted surface temperature anomalies (°C; shading) from 10 – 14 January 2017. Note the warm temperatures across much of the US and Northern Europe with cold temperatures in Southern Europe, much of Asia and Western Canada and the Northwestern US. The forecast is from the 00Z 9 January 2017 GFS ensemble.”

 As the nucleated ice region moves south it is further supplemented with cloud formations moving up northwards and eastwards that have also been augmented by means of cloud seeding, artificial water vapour generation and sustained radar frequency, both on the ocean and on land. This meeting of cold and warm gives rise to the intense storms, the sudden and unnatural “flashing over” into “heavy wet snow” and “thunder snow” that the Mediarologists love to talk about.  

 Geoengineering: Polar Vortex – Ice Nucleation 101

 The artificial nature of these events is further highlighted by the speed that temperatures return from abnormally low to abnormally high once the engineered cool downs are temporarily terminated.

 This is a persisting and not an isolated phenomenon:

 This GISS map below shows the departure from average high temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere Winter (Dec-Jan-Feb) from the period 2015-2016.

Fig 1: Global map

This one shows the same for the Northern Hemisphere Fall (Sep-Oct-Nov) in 2016.

Fig 1: Global map

 We can see the shift in the location of the cooling climate modification over Northern Asia. Despite this, Arctic temperatures are nearly off the charts. 

A curtain of ice is being drawn across the heavily populated regions of Europe.

Image result for images of global population density maps 2016

The anomalous cold events also receive maximum media attention, fuelling the perpetual debate between anthropogenic global warming proponents and skeptics. All this distracts from the reality of the deliberate operation to melt the Arctic.

 This anomalously cold region of the North Atlantic Ocean even aids in the melting of the Arctic ice.

 According to the Artic news blog spot, this region is due to the cooling effects of industrially emitted sulphates.

  “Particulates, in particular sulfate, can provide short-term cooling of the sea surface. Large amounts of sulfate are emitted from industrial areas in the east of North America and in East Asia. On the Northern Hemisphere, the Coriolis effect makes that such emissions will typically reach areas over the nearby ocean to the east of such industrial areas, resulting in the sea surface there being cooled substantially, until the particulates have fallen out of the sky. Since the sulfate is emitted on an ongoing basis, the cooling effect continues without much interruption.

This sulfate has a cooling effect on areas of the sea surface where ocean currents are moving warm water toward the Arctic Ocean. Because the sea surface gets colder, there is less evaporation, and thus less heat transfer from the ocean to the atmosphere during the time it takes for the water to reach the Arctic Ocean. As a result, water below the sea surface remains warmer as it moves toward the Arctic Ocean.Emphasis mine.

 In fact, sulphates are emitted along with black carbon, which has a warming effect. Claiming that industrial emissions are reducing global warming in certain regions and warming in others is misleading.  

 Another suggestion, other than sulphate particulates, is that this cold region is caused by the melting of Greenland. The fresh water added to the ocean supposedly slows down the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), of which the Gulf stream is a part. This is because the fresh water interferes with the thermohaline cycle, it dilutes the salty water so it doesn’t sink as much.

Why some scientists are worried about a surprisingly cold ‘blob’ in the North Atlantic Ocean

However, we are presented with a problem. What about the melting ice, low in salt content, everywhere else in the Arctic region? Why is that not causing anomalous cold “blobs”? Why does this theory ignore the anomalous hot regions north of the cold “blob”.

 More likely cooling climate modification (rather than sulphates) is being used to reduce evaporation and heat transfer to the atmosphere where the ocean currents are moving warm water to the Arctic Ocean.

 The water below the ocean surface, already having received the lion’s share of global warming, remains warmer as it moves toward the Arctic ice.

global heat content

Total global heat content. Data from Nuccitelli et al. (2012)

One of the regions along the great ocean conveyor belt, where heat is released to the atmosphere, clearly corresponds with the anomalously cold region in the North Atlantic.



  • The extremely anomalous cold weather over central and eastern Europe is due to the interplay of two forms of climate modification, warming and cooling.

  • Rather than “causing” weather conditions to occur, the jet stream is, in fact, the result of these weather conditions, namely the contrast in temperature between two air masses. Ascribing the cause of these conditions to a shift in the jet stream is like ascribing the cause of a common cold to sneezing.

  • The warming mode warms air masses that encroach further north causing pronounced ridges in the jet stream.

  • The cooling mode cools air masses that encroach further south causing pronounced troughs in the jet stream.

  • Whilst Greece and Turkey were being inundated with cold, the Arctic continued warming at an unprecedented rate so much so that temperatures there were actually warmer than regions of southern Europe.

  • As the nucleated ice region moves south it is further supplemented with cloud formations moving up northwards and eastwards that have also been augmented by means of cloud seeding, artificial water vapour generation and sustained radar frequency, both on the ocean and on land.

  • This meeting of cold and warm gives rise to the intense storms, the sudden and unnatural “flashing over” into “heavy wet snow” and “thunder snow” that the Mediarologists love to talk about.

  • The artificial nature of these events is further highlighted by the speed that temperatures return from abnormally low to abnormally high, once the engineered cool downs are temporarily terminated.

  • A curtain of ice is being drawn across the heavily populated regions of Europe.

  • The anomalous cold events also receive maximum media attention, fuelling the perpetual debate between anthropogenic global warming proponents and skeptics.

  • All this distracts from the reality of the deliberate operation to melt the Arctic.

  • Cooling climate modification (rather than sulphates) is being used to reduce evaporation and heat transfer to the atmosphere where the ocean currents are moving warm water to the Arctic Ocean.

  • The water below the ocean surface, already having received the lion’s share of global warming, remains warmer as it moves toward the Arctic ice.


In a future study we shall explain how the geoengineers are nurturing unprecedented perfect storms and hurricanes of ever greater intensity and frequency, brewed from oceans transformed by deliberate global warming into giant heat reservoirs.

Augmented by Black Carbon laid down ahead, sea-based radar platforms, aircraft and ships fitted with onboard radar, emitting pulses and deploying aerosol payloads, there is virtually no limit to how large these storm systems can grow.

As they track further north and merge with ice nucleated storms, intensifying the pressure gradient still further, they accelerate the breakdown of Arctic ice. In combination with the geoengineering already deployed there, they add to the already enhanced cloud content, and bring precipitation and warmth to the region enough to raise the temperature of the North Pole above freezing in the middle of winter. These factors accelerate as the area of open water in the Arctic ocean increases.


Further reading:

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