© World Meteorological Organization, 2018
The WMO Expert Team on Weather Modification acknowledges with gratitude the financial support provided by the United Arabian Emirates and would like to thank the reviewers for their helpful comments.
Link To FINAL_WWRP_2018_
“An emerging technique for monitoring the spatial and temporal variability of precipitation is through measurement of the attenuation of microwave radiation associated with commercial cellular telephone networks (for example, Messer at al., 2006). Overeem et al. (2016) demonstrate that the technique can be used to effectively monitor precipitation over an area of 3.5 x 104 km2, but frozen or melting precipitation can lead to uncertainties. The precision of the technique is also reduced in rural areas where the network coverage is low. Nonetheless, Haese et al. (2017) show that combining the data from cellular networks and rain gauges may provide an improved estimate of precipitation over a large area.”
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