Global cooling can be thwarted with geoengineering (Washington Post)
Past Climate Change Beliefs
The above links were found in the following aticles:
FIRE AND ICE, Business & Media Institute . 325 SOUTH PATRICK ST . ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314 . (703)683-9733 . MAY 17, 2006, FireAndIce.pdf
TimesMachine: July 18, 1970 –
In 1971, NASA’s two top climatologists reported that a runaway greenhouse effect is not possible.
In 1972, the National Science Board warned of a new ice age.
National Geographic : 1976 Nov, Page 594
In 1972, the top climate expert in the UK predicted global cooling.
The Windsor Star – Google News Archive Search
In 1974, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) reported that global cooling was occurring and dangerous.
That same year, the top climatologists from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) reported the same thing. Global cooling as occurring and a threat.
12 Jun 1974, Page 20 – at
Climate experts considered melting the Arctic to stop global cooling.
20 Nov 1974, Page 31 – at
In 1975, the world’s climatologists agreed that we must prepare for the next ice age.
The Milwaukee Sentinel – Google News Archive Search
In 1976, the CIA warned that global cooling was occurring and a serious threat.
9 Jun 1976, Page 4 – at
In 1977, the UN reported that Earth may be headed into a new ice age.
25 Jul 1977, Page 1 – at
In 1978, government experts reported that there was no end in sight to the 30 year cooling trend.
No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend
The White House has a global warming agenda and doesn’t want people to remember the post-1940 cooling, so they had government agencies alter the data to make the cooling disappear.
Hiding The Decline Smoking Gun | Real Science
NASA has massively altered their own data to increase warming.
1999 version : 1999_Hansen_etal_1.pdf cuurent version: Fig.D.gif
2001 version : current version: Fig.A.gif
There is no global warming crisis. There is a crisis of the White House having government agencies manipulate data, in pursuit of their global warming agenda. There is also a crisis of the White House attacking the Bill of Rights in pursuit of their global warming agenda.
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