70 years ago NATO was born. In April 1949, The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) established what was designated as the doctrine of “Collective Security” under Art. 5 of the Washington Treaty.

NATO has a sordid history of aggression and war crimes.  The US not only continues to “occupy” World War II “axis countries” (Italy, Germany), it has used the NATO emblem to install US military bases throughout Western Europe, as well as in Eastern Europe in the wake of the Cold War, extending into the Balkans in the wake of NATO’s war on Yugoslavia.

NATO is a criminal entity, an instrument of the Pentagon. There is no “Alliance”. There is military Occupation.

What is required is a vast movement in Europe and North America in support of NATO-Exit. 

Michel Chossudovsky calls for a Country by Country withdrawal from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as well as closure of US military bases.

There is a (somewhat contradictory) clause within the Treaty of the Atlantic Alliance (Article 13) which enables withdrawal from NATO. This clause has to be examined and a strategy must be envisaged.

SOURCE https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-nato-exit-michel-chossudovsky/5673641


Read more:

The Florence Declaration: The Creation of a “NATO-Exit” International Front

NATO – No Need – NATO-EXIT: The Florence Declaration

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NATO – 70th Anniversary of the Most Murderous – and Legal – Organization on our Planet

By Peter Koenig

Estimates have it, that NATO and its ‘allies’, cronies, proxies and mercenaries killed more than 20 million people since NATO’s existence, basically since the end of WWII. 

On 4th of April 2019 NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) “celebrated” the 70th Anniversary of its murderous existence. This horror organization was born sort of as a “Rosemary’s Baby”, signed into life in Washington DC, as the North Atlantic Treaty. Its creation was absolutely unethical but also absolutely “legal” – meaning what we, the west, have made the law, a man-made law for war, was applied by the Washington-Pentagon driven NATO. Estimates have it, that NATO and its ‘allies’, cronies, proxies and mercenaries killed more than 20 million people since NATO’s existence, basically since the end of WWII. Compare this with about 70 to 80 million killed in WWII. – The 70 years of NATO are considered “Peace Time” – were they really a period of Peace? Read more…

NATO-Exit: Dismantle NATO, Close Down 800 US Military Bases, Prosecute the War Criminals

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

The dangers of a World War are casually dismissed. War is portrayed as a humanitarian endeavor. The Mainstream media contends that war is a peace-making undertaking and that NATO should be granted the Nobel Peace prize. 

This text prepared in the context of the April 7 2019 Florence International Conference: No War, No NATO will centre on the key relationship between US-NATO military operations directed against targeted countries and the imposition of  far-reaching neoliberal economic reforms both before and in the wake of US-NATO military interventions. 

This article will also address the dangers and consequences of a Third World War as well the nature of advanced weapons systems deployed by the broader US-NATO coalition.

Extensive war crimes have been committed by NATO member states.

The object of the Florence Venue is NATO-EXIT. The Dismantling of NATO and the closure of US military bases. 

Read more…


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