“Intelligent evil dust scattered everywhere like confetti” – Julian Assange’s last words before his Internet was permanently cut off
The last few minutes of Julian’s last interview, where he mentions “intelligent evil dust” nanoparticles, being activated and interacting with the electromagnetic soup we live our lives immersed into and being connected with AI… A few reflections:
1) shortly before this video was made, I was outside Julian’s window with a megaphone exhorting him to help us expose organised stalking and electronic harassment, to google up OSEH and suggesting that he may be a victim of electronic harassment too, is there any connection?
2) is it a coincidence that just after making this video any form of communications between Julian and the outside world was cut off?
3) is it because of this video that some of the mercenary hacks calling themselves journalists have started to make aspersions about Julian’s mental health?
4) I deeply regret missing yesterday support vigil outside the Ecuadorian Embassy celebrating Wikileaks 12th Birthday…
5) is Julian, as one may almost expect, a victim of electronic harassment, trying to come to terms and to gain some understanding through the references in the video, of what is happening to him? 6) by watching Julian’s somewhat mild mannered last interview I got a real sense, as never before, as to the sheer hell the poor man has been put through by the sick psychopaths who completely control our society, and my hart really went out to him as never before…
Smart Dust Is Coming. Are You Ready?
As Ester Dyson (daughter of Freeman Dyson) says, “Soon we will salt the oceans, the land, and the sky with uncounted numbers of sensors invisible to the eyes but visible to one another and to a variety of data collection devices. The vast, increasingly accurate data streams will combine and interact to produce more and more meaningful caches of knowledge.” – See more at:
How You’re Shaping the Future Through ‘Big Data’
Future Military Sensors Could Be Tiny Specks of ‘Smart Dust”
NASA Future Strategic Issues
And Warfare Circa 2025 Document
Dr Dennis M. Bushnell
Chief Scientist NASA Langley Research Center
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