Secondo l’Organizzazione meteorologica mondiale (OMM), più di 70 Paesi hanno mostrato interesse per progetti volti ad aumentare le precipitazioni attraverso la modificazione artificiale del tempo (MAT) come parte della loro strategia di gestione delle acque. Questo registro elenca i Paesi e le istituzioni ufficiali che hanno operato in questo settore. La storia della manipolazione meteorologica dimostra che questo settore è essenzialmente militare, il che significa che con questo elenco non vengono alla luce applicazioni militari segrete. La guerra del Vietnam ha reso evidente questo aspetto. Pertanto, ciò che accade realmente nell’atmosfera resta una questione misteriosa.

Qui abbiamo perlomeno i 70 Paesi ufficialmente indicati dall’OMM e presentati dettagliatamente. E’ un pezzo del puzzle.

L’ultimo documento fornito è quello del 2002, dopo il quale c’è un vuoto.

Strana coincidenza: nel 2002, il cielo qui in Europa ha iniziato a cambiare in modo impressionante. Altrove è successo prima (USA/Canada), e in altri Stati più tardi.

Di seguito viene riportata l’introduzione all’ultimo documento, 

Registro dei progetti di modificazione meteorologica nazionale 2001-2002


Nell’ambito delle attività che l’OMM svolge nel suo Programma sulla Fisica e la Chimica delle Nuvole e la Ricerca sulla Modificazione del Tempo, è stato creato un Registro delle Nazionali di Meteorologia. Chimica delle Nuvole e la Ricerca sulla Modificazione del Tempo, viene tenuto un Registro dei Progetti Nazionali di Modificazione del Tempo. nazionali di modificazione meteorologica. Il registro esiste dal 1975, quando il Settimo Congresso Meteorologico Mondiale
decise che un inventario delle attività dei Paesi membri relative alla modifica del tempo alla modificazione meteorologica era necessario. Le revisioni periodiche hanno tutte raccomandato la continuazione del Registro. Il Registro fornisce informazioni che interessano anche numerose attività dell’ONU al di fuori dell’OMM.
Il presente Registro si basa su informazioni ottenute dai Paesi membri su esperimenti e operazioni sponsorizzati da agenzie governative o aziende private che hanno avuto luogo nel 2001 e nel 2002.

Per aiutare il lettore a comprendere il contenuto di ognuna delle 12 colonne utilizzate nella presentazione tabellare, nella Sezione II vengono fornite spiegazioni dettagliate. Queste contengono informazioni ottenute dai Paesi membri dell’OMM in risposta ai questionari inviati loro nel febbraio 2002 e nel marzo 2003.
I nomi dei Paesi membri che hanno fornito le informazioni riportate in questo Registro sono elencati nella Sezione III.
La Sezione VII fornisce un riepilogo dei progetti completati e la Sezione VIII indica i paesi che hanno dichiarato di non aver svolto attività di modificazione meteorologica nel 2001 e nel 2002. Dovrebbero essere quasi 70 i Paesi membri che hanno risposto di essere interessati alle modifiche meteorologiche, anche se non tutti hanno svolto un’attività operativa o di ricerca.

Le richieste di ulteriori informazioni sui progetti segnalati possono essere indirizzate a all’agenzia di comunicazione di ciascun Paese, indicata nella Sezione V. Il Segretariato dell’OMM sarà lieto di aiutarvi


Altri Dati:

WMP Report Series, 38. Register on National Weather Modification Projects 2000

World Meteorological Organization (WMO) – WMO, 2002 (WMO/TD-No. 1094)

This present Register is the twenty third such publication issued. It is based on information obtained from Member countries on experiments and operations sponsored by government agencies or private concerns that took place during 2000.


WMP Report Series, 37. Register on National Weather Modification Projects 1999


World Meteorological Organization (WMO) – WMO, 2000 (WMO/TD-No. 1060)

This present Register is the twenty second such publication issued. It is based on information obtained from Member countries on experiments and operations sponsored by government agencies or private concerns that took place during 1999. A feature of this report is a preliminary analysis of the trends (number of countries, methods, types of activity, etc.) reported by WMO Members since the beginning of these registers in 1975. The analysis can be found in Section IX.


WMP Report Series, 34. Register on National Weather Modification Projects 1997 and 1998


World Meteorological Organization (WMO) – WMO, 1999 (WMO/TD-No. 1001)

This present Register is the twenty first such publication issued. It is based on information obtained from Member countries on experiments and operations sponsored by government agencies or private concerns that took place during 1997 and 1998.



WMP Report Series, 32. Register on National Weather Modification Projects 1996


World Meteorological Organization (WMO) – WMO, 1997 (WMO/TD-No. 939)

This present Register is the twenty first such publication issued. It is based on information obtained from Member countries on experiments and operations sponsored by government agencies or private concerns that took place during 1997 and 1998.




WMP Report Series, 28. Register on National Weather Modification Projects 1995


World Meteorological Organization (WMO) – WMO, 1995 (WMO/TD-No. 851)

This present Register is the nineteenth such publication issued. It is based on information obtained from Member countries on experiments and operations sponsored by government agencies or private concerns that took place during 1995.



WMP Report Series, 25. Register on National Weather Modification Projects 1993 and 1994

World Meteorological Organization (WMO) – WMO, 1994 (WMO/TD-No. 745)

This present Register is the eighteenth such publication issued. It is based on information obtained from Member countries on experiments and operations sponsored by government agencies or private concerns that took place during 1993 and 1994. Information from each year are separated for ease of reference.


WMP Report Series, 23. Register on National Weather Modification Projects 1992


World Meteorological Organization (WMO) – WMO, 1992 (WMO/TD-No. 686)

The present publication is the seventeenth of its kind and is based on information received from Member countries on experiments and operations sponsored by governmental agencies and private concerns that took place during 1992.



WMP Report Series, 14. Register on National Weather Modification Projects 1989


World Meteorological Organization (WMO) – WMO, 1991 (WMO/TD-No. 330)

The present publication is the fourteenth of its kind and is based on information received from Member countries on experiments and operations sponsored by governmental agencies and private concerns that took place during 1989. For various reasons, the Register does not contain informatron on all weather modification projects.




WMP Report Series, 21. Register on National Weather Modification Projects 1991


World Meteorological Organization (WMO) – WMO, 1991 (WMO/TD-No. 575)

The present publication is the sixteenth of its kind and is based on information received from Member countries on experiments and operations sponsored by governmental agencies and private concerns that took place during 1991.



WMP Report Series, 18. Register on National Weather Modification Projects 1990


World Meteorological Organization (WMO) – WMO, 1990 (WMO/TD-No. 449)

The present publication is the fifteenth of its kind and is based on information received from Member countries on experiments and operations sponsored by governmental agencies and private concerns that took place during 1990. For various reasons, the Register does not contain information on all weather modification projects.



WMP Report Series, 13. Register on National Weather Modification Projects 1987 and 1988


World Meteorological Organization (WMO) – WMO, 1990 (WMO/TD-No. 330)

The present publication is the thirteenth of its kind and is based on information received from Member countries on experiments and operations sponsored by governmental agencies and private concerns that took place during 1987-1988. For various reasons, the Register does not contain information on all weather modification projects .


WMP Report Series, 10. Register on National Weather Modification Projects 1986


World Meteorological Organization (WMO) – WMO, 1988 (WMO/TD-No. 208)

The present publication is the tenth of its kind and is based on information received from Member countries on experiments and operations sponsored by governmental agencies and private concerns that took place during 1984 and 1985. Data for each year are segregated. For various reasons, the Register does not contain information on all weather modification projects.



WMP Report Series, 09. Register on National Weather Modification Projects 1984 and 1985


World Meteorological Organization (WMO) – WMO, 1987 (WMO/TD-No. 182)

The present publication is the eleventh of its kind and is based on information received from Member countries on experiments and operations sponsored by governmental agencies and private concerns that took place during 1986. For various reasons, the Register does not contain information on all weather modification projects.


WMP Report Series, 07. Trends in weather modification 1975-1983


World Meteorological Organization (WMO) – WMO, 1986

As part of the Weather Modification: Programme approved by the Seventh World Meteerological Congress (Geneva, 1975),… the.Secretary General maintains.a Register:o£ Experiments and operations in weather modification carried out within Member countries. The present publication is the ninth of its kind and is based on information received from Member countries on experiments and operations sponsored by governmental agencies and private concerns: that took place during 1983. For various reasons, the register does not contain information on all weather modification projects.


WMP Report Series, 04. Register on National Weather Modification Projects 1983


World Meteorological Organization (WMO) – WMO, 1982 (WMO/TD-No. 78)

As part of the Weather Modification: Programme approved by the Seventh World Meteerological Congress (Geneva, 1975),… the.Secretary General maintains.a Register:o£ Experiments and operations in weather modification carried out within Member countries. The present publication is the ninth of its kind and is based on information received from Member countries on experiments and operations sponsored by governmental agencies and private concerns: that took place during 1983. For various reasons, the register does not contain information on all weather modification projects.








WMP Report Series, 37. Register on National Weather Modification Projects 1999

World Meteorological Organization (WMO) – WMO, 2000 (WMO/TD-No. 1060)

This present Register is the twenty second such publication issued. It is based on information obtained from Member countries on experiments and operations sponsored by government agencies or private concerns that took place during 1999. A feature of this report is a preliminary analysis of the trends (number of countries, methods, types of activity, etc.) reported by WMO Members since the beginning of these registers in 1975. The analysis can be found in Section IX.



Statement at the Italian Senate Hearing on Weather Modification : WMO’s activities on weather modification – cooperation with Italy

Obasi G.O.PWorld Meteorological Organization (WMO) – WMO, 1999 (SG’s lectures, speeches, statements-No. 102)



WMP Report Series, 34. Register on National Weather Modification Projects 1997 and 1998

World Meteorological Organization (WMO) – WMO, 1999 (WMO/TD-No. 1001)

This present Register is the twenty first such publication issued. It is based on information obtained from Member countries on experiments and operations sponsored by government agencies or private concerns that took place during 1997 and 1998.


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