Si apre lunedi’ a Davos con un programma che prevede la presenza di oltre 2500 partecipanti il Meeting 2022 del World Economic Forum. L’esercito svizzero fornisce a Schwab 5.000 militari e una “zona di interdizione al volo” per il vertice di Davos.Il raduno del World Economic Forum a Davos, la prossima settimana, sarà “il più tempestivo e consequenziale” nei suoi 52 anni di storia secondo Klaus Schwab. “Il ritorno della guerra, le epidemie e la crisi climatica, tutte queste forze dirompenti hanno fatto deragliare la ripresa globale”, ha dichiarato Schwab, presidente esecutivo del forum, ai giornalisti durante un briefing virtuale mercoledì, prima dell’inizio della convention domenica. In collegamento da Kiev inaugurerà il forum il presidente Zelensky. Saranno presenti invece deputati del parlamento ucraino. invece sono esclusi  tutti i rappresentanti della Russia. Complessivamente saranno oltre 50 i capi di Stato e di governo che parteciperanno a questo primo incontro in presenza nel quadro del WEF da oltre due anni (ultimo a gennaio nel 2020). Protagonisti saranno
Il cancelliere tedesco Olaf Scholz, l’inviato degli Stati Uniti per il clima John Kerry, il segretario generale della NATO Jens Stoltenberg e la presidente della Commissione europea Ursula von der Leyen.

Fra i leader che hanno garantito la loro presenza vi sono inoltre la presidente della Bce Christine Lagarde, la presidente del parlamento europeo Roberta Metsola, la presidente del Fondo Monetario Internazionale Kristalina Georgieva, e il vicepresidente della commissione europea Frans Timmermans. Per l’Italia e’ prevista la presenza del ministro dell’Economia Daniele Franco, di quello delle Infrastrutture e mobilita’ sostenibili Enrico Giovannini, assieme ai colleghi Roberto Cingolani (Transizione ecologica) e Vittorio Colao (innovazione e transizione digitale). Fra i manager presenti l’amministratore delegato dell’Enel Francesco Starace e il presidente Michele Crisostomo, il presidente di Unipol Carlo Cimbri, il presidente di Illycaffe’ Andrea Illy e la presidente di Saipem Silvia Merlo.

Consultate il programma completo qui .



Come il World Economic Forum classifica segretamente i delegati di Davos

Questo articolo ha più di due anni. Traduzione a cura di Nogeoingegneria CANALE TELEGRAM

Si potrebbe pensare che essere invitati al World Economic Forum di Davos, in Svizzera, sia sufficiente per consolidare il proprio posto nelle più alte sfere della società orientata al business. Ma il raduno ha un modo per separare anche l’élite globale in strati.

Il meeting annuale del WEF mette a nudo l’importanza relativa dei partecipanti attraverso il colore e il design del loro badge. La gerarchia dei partecipanti è anche enumerata, con maggiori sfumature, nei database del WEF. I partecipanti sono inseriti in categorie numerate da uno a sette, un’indicazione, in un certo senso, di quanto un delegato sia senior o forse importante per il mondo degli affari.

A quasi tutti i partecipanti viene assegnato uno di questi “livelli di posizione”. Quelli elencati come uno sono etichettati come “Top Executive” o “Capo di Stato”. I due sono etichettati in posizioni come “Senior Executives” e “Deputy Head of State”. I banchieri centrali sono al terzo livello. Il quarto livello comprende i funzionari nazionali che ricoprono incarichi sottoministeriali. I funzionari delle amministrazioni locali sono di livello cinque. Le persone che occupano posizioni onorarie sono di livello sei. Il livello sette è per coloro che sono classificati come “Personale funzionale”.

Donald Trump era indicato come “1-Capo di Stato”. Sua figlia Ivanka Trump, il cui titolo è indicato come “Consigliere del Presidente”, è indicata come “7-Supplente”. Suo marito, Jared Kushner, in qualità di “Assistente del Presidente e Consigliere anziano del Presidente”, è indicato come “4-Posizione sottoministeriale”.

Negli ultimi anni il WEF ha pubblicizzato le proprie piattaforme di incontri annuali in misura variabile. A volte ha mantenuto la lista privata, l’ha resa pubblica per intero o l’ha resa pubblica escludendo alcuni gruppi di persone. Le informazioni qui riportate si basano su un elenco inviatoci in forma anonima attraverso il nostro portale Secure Drop. Il nome corrisponde, persona per persona, all’elenco dei partecipanti messo a disposizione dei giornalisti. Tuttavia, le informazioni che abbiamo ricevuto contengono più dettagli sui partecipanti di quanti Quartz ne abbia mai visti e rivelano in modi mai rivelati prima le modalità con cui il WEF cataloga e categorizza i potenti del mondo.

Il WEF ha rifiutato di commentare l’elenco o lo scopo della categorizzazione dei partecipanti.

I membri di Quartz possono cercare ed esplorare l’intero elenco dei partecipanti in base al nome, all’azienda, alla posizione o al Paese, con l’assegnazione delle categorie numerate.

Le categorie riflettono non solo i partecipanti, ma anche le organizzazioni che rappresentano. Ci sono solo due leader di organizzazioni internazionali etichettati come “1-Head of Top IO” (per “organizzazione internazionale”). Si tratta di António Guterres, segretario generale dell’ONU, e Kristalina Georgieva, direttore generale del Fondo Monetario Internazionale. I leader dell’OMC, della NATO e dell’OCSE sono elencati come “3-capo dell’OI/vice capo dell’OI principale”.

In totale, il 46% dei partecipanti di quest’anno è indicato come uno e lo 0,75% come sette.

Le categorie non sono statiche, e lo dimostra un trio di ex primi ministri del Regno Unito. Gordon Brown, primo ministro dal 2007 al 2010, è classificato come “6-Esperto del settore pubblico”. (Tony Blair, che ha preceduto Brown ed è ora presidente esecutivo del Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, è “1-Accademia/Think-tank”. David Cameron, il successore di Brown, è “1-Top Executive” (è presente al forum come presidente dell’Alzheimer’s Research UK).

L’attuale primo ministro del Regno Unito, Boris Johnson, non figura nell’elenco. Egli non parteciperà all’evento e ha vietato la partecipazione alla maggior parte degli altri ministri.

Level 1

Top Executive – 33.37%

Academia/Think-tank – 5.75%

Editor-in-chief – 3.56%

Arts, Culture & Sports – 1.29%

Head of State – 0.97%

Head of Government – 0.93%

Head of Top International Org. – 0.07%

Level 2

Senior Executive – 21.19%

Journalist – 4.20%

Deputy Head of State/Government – 0.43%

Level 3

Board Member – 8.05%

Minister – 4.60%

Head of International Org./Deputy Head of Top International Org. – 1.33%

Top Central Bank – 0.43%

Level 4

Head of Business Unit/Head of Region – 4.78%

Sub-National/Regional Head – 1.44%

Sub-Ministerial Post – 1.36%

Dep Head of International Org./Reg-Func Head of Top International Org.


Level 5

Local/Municipal Head – 0.57%

Middle Management & Advisers – 0.14%

Regional/Functional Head of International Org. – 0.14%

Level 6

Honorary Position – 1.29%

Public Sector Expert – 0.65%

Level 7

Functional Staff – 0.75%

None / Not Specified – 2.48%

Donald Trump è elencato come “1 Capo di Stato”. Sua figlia Ivanka Trump, il cui titolo è elencato come “Consigliere del presidente”, è elencata come “7-personale funzionale”. Suo marito, Jared Kushner, in qualità di “assistente del presidente e consigliere senior del presidente”, è noto come “posto subministeriale 4”.

Eccovi la lista completa di tutti i 2784 delegati a Davos [Svizzera ] 2020

Trump/ Goldman Sachs/ Harvard/ Facebook/ Central Bank/ Prime Minister/ Activist

 I nomi della lista sotto indicati sono solo una parte del documento, vista la sua lunghezza. 

Cees ‘t Hart

Chief Executive Officer, Carlsberg Group, Denmark

Level 1Top Executive

Khalid Abdulla-Janahi

Chairman, Vision 3, United Arab Emirates

Level 1Top Executive

Rovnag Abdullayev

President, SOCAR (State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic), Azerbaijan

Level 1Top Executive

Basima Abdulrahman

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, KESK Green Building Consulting, Iraq

Level 1Top Executive

David Abney

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, UPS, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Darius Adamczyk

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Honeywell, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Gregory Adams

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Kaiser Permanente, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Timothy Adams

President and Chief Executive Officer, Institute of International Finance (IIF), USA

Level 1Top Executive

Gautam Adani

Chairman, Adani Group, India

Level 1Top Executive

Jill Ader

Chairwoman, Egon Zehnder, United Kingdom

Level 1Top Executive

Daniel S. Aegerter

Chairman, Armada Investment Group, Switzerland

Level 1Top Executive

Adeeb Ahamed

Managing Director, Lulu Financial Group, United Arab Emirates

Level 1Top Executive

Sanjiv Ahuja

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Tillman Global Holdings, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Khadim Al Darei

Vice-Chairman and Co-Founder, Al Dahra Holding, United Arab Emirates

Level 1Top Executive

Omar A. Al Futtaim

Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Al Futtaim Trading Group, United Arab Emirates

Level 1Top Executive

Abdulla Al Khalifa

Chief Executive Officer, Qatar National Bank, Qatar

Level 1Top Executive

H.H. Sheikh Salman Al Khalifa

Honorary Chairman, Bahrain Petroleum, Bahrain

Level 1Top Executive

Amr Al Madani

Chief Executive Officer, Al-Ula, Saudi Arabia

Level 1Top Executive

Mansoor Bin Ebrahim Al Mahmoud

Chief Executive Officer, Qatar Investment Authority, Qatar

Level 1Top Executive

Talal Al Maiman

Chief Executive Officer, Kingdom Holding, Saudi Arabia

Level 1Top Executive

Khaldoon Al Mubarak

Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Mubadala, United Arab Emirates

Level 1Top Executive

Mohammed Al Naki

Chairman, Kuwait Industries Co. Holding, Kuwait

Level 1Top Executive

Nasser Al Nasser

Group Chief Executive Officer, Saudi Telecom Company Group, Saudi Arabia

Level 1Top Executive

Hussain J. Al Nowais

Chairman, Al Nowais Investments, United Arab Emirates

Level 1Top Executive

Ibrahim Al Omar

Governor, Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA), Saudi Arabia

Level 1Top Executive

Khaled A. Al Qahtani

Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Al Qahtani Group, Saudi Arabia

Level 1Top Executive

Hesham Al Qassim

Vice-Chairman, Emirates NBD, United Arab Emirates

Level 1Top Executive

Yasir Al Rumayyan

Chairman Of Saudi Aramco, Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia

Level 1Top Executive

Tareq Al Sadhan

Chief Executive Officer, Riyad Bank, Saudi Arabia

Level 1Top Executive

Marwan J. Al Sarkal

Executive Chairman, Sharjah Investment and Development Authority – Shurooq, United Arab Emirates

Level 1Top Executive

Yousef Al-Benyan

Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Saudi Basic Industries (SABIC), Saudi Arabia

Level 1Top Executive

Abdulaziz Al-Helaissi

Group Chief Executive Officer, Gulf International Bank (GIB), Bahrain

Level 1Top Executive

Saeed Al-Tayer

Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, United Arab Emirates

Level 1Top Executive

Ibrahim AlMojel

Chief Executive Officer, Saudi Industrial Development Fund, Saudi Arabia

Level 1Top Executive

Khalid M. AlZubair

Chairman, OMINVEST, Oman

Level 1Top Executive

Sami Alangari

Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, AlGihaz, Saudi Arabia

Level 1Top Executive

Laura Alber

Chief Executive Officer, Williams-Sonoma, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Vagit Y. Alekperov

President and Chief Executive Officer, LUKOIL, Russian Federation

Level 1Top Executive

Nerio Alessandri

Founder and Chairman, Technogym, Italy

Level 1Top Executive

Omar K. Alghanim

Group Chief Executive Officer, Alghanim Industries, Kuwait

Level 1Top Executive

Mohammed F. Alghanim

Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Fouad Alghanim & Sons Group of Companies, Kuwait

Level 1Top Executive

Yusuff Ali

Chairman and Managing Director, Lulu Group International, United Arab Emirates

Level 1Top Executive

Aamer A. Alireza

Managing Director, Services Group; Director, Xenel Group, Saudi Arabia

Level 1Top Executive

Hamza B. Alkholi

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Hamza Alkholi Group, Saudi Arabia

Level 1Top Executive

Jeremy Allaire

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Circle, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Patrick Allman-Ward

Chief Executive Officer, Dana Gas, United Arab Emirates

Level 1Top Executive

Meshal Alothman

Director-General, Public Institution for Social Security (PIFSS), Kuwait

Level 1Top Executive

Cenk Alper

Chief Executive Officer, Sabanci Holding, Turkey

Level 1Top Executive

Mohammed Alshaya

Executive Chairman, Alshaya Group, Kuwait

Level 1Top Executive

Marco Alverà

Chief Executive Officer, Snam, Italy

Level 1Top Executive

Philippe Amon

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, SICPA Holding, Switzerland

Level 1Top Executive

Cristiano Amon

President, Qualcomm, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Henrik Andersen

Chief Executive Officer, Vestas, Denmark

Level 1Top Executive

Eric Anderson

Chairman, Planetary Holdings, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Johan H. Andresen

Chairman, Ferd, Norway

Level 1Top Executive

John Angelicoussis

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Angelicoussis Group, Greece

Level 1Top Executive

Husodo Angkosubroto

Chairman, Gunung Sewu Kencana, Indonesia

Level 1Top Executive

Frank Appel

Chief Executive Officer, Deutsche Post DHL, Germany

Level 1Top Executive

Kezevino Aram

Director, Shanti Ashram, India

Level 1Top Executive

Jean-Stéphane Arcis

Chief Executive Officer, TalentSoft, France

Level 1Top Executive

Carlos Julio Ardila

Chief Executive Officer, Ardila Lulle, Colombia

Level 1Top Executive

Nikesh Arora

Chief Executive Officer and Chairman, Palo Alto Networks, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Tewodros Ashenafi

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Southwest Holdings, Ethiopia

Level 1Top Executive

Isabelle Axelsson

Climate and Environmental Activist, FridaysForFuture, Sweden

Level 1Top Executive

Claudia Azevedo

Chief Executive Officer, Sonae, Portugal

Level 1Top Executive

Aly Aziz

Chairman, Dashwood Group, United Kingdom

Level 1Top Executive

Fatoumata Ba

Founder and Executive Chair, Janngo, France

Level 1Top Executive

Joseph Bae

Co-President and Co-Chief Operating Officer, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., USA

Level 1Top Executive

Sebastián Bagó

Chief Executive Officer, Grupo Bagó, Argentina

Level 1Top Executive

Rahul Bajaj

Chairman, Bajaj Auto, India

Level 1Top Executive

Douglas M. Baker Jr

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Ecolab, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Peter Bakker

President and Chief Executive Officer, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), Switzerland

Level 1Top Executive

Anindya Novyan Bakrie

CEO, President Director, Bakrie & Brothers, Indonesia

Level 1Top Executive

Krishan N. Balendra

Chairman, John Keells Holdings, Sri Lanka

Level 1Top Executive

Stéphane Bancel

Chief Executive Officer, Moderna Therapeutics, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Ajay S. Banga

President and Chief Executive Officer, Mastercard, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Lord Barker of Battle

Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors, En+ Group, Russian Federation

Level 1Top Executive

Matt Barnard

Chief Executive Officer, Plenty, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Roger Barnett

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Shaklee, USA

Level 1Top Executive

His All-Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew

Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch

Level 1Top Executive

Farouk A A Bastaki

Managing Director; Chairman of the Executive Committee, Kuwait Investment Authority (KIA), Kuwait

Level 1Top Executive

Werner Baumann

Chairman of the Board of Management; Chief Executive Officer, Bayer, Germany

Level 1Top Executive

Felipe Bayón

Chief Executive Officer, Ecopetrol, Colombia

Level 1Top Executive

Ross Beaty

Chairman, Pan American Silver, Canada

Level 1Top Executive

John M. Beck

Executive Chairman, Aecon Group, Canada

Level 1Top Executive

Beh Swan Gin

Chairman, Singapore Economic Development Board, Singapore

Level 1Top Executive

Alain Bejjani

Chief Executive Officer, Majid Al Futtaim, United Arab Emirates

Level 1Top Executive

Daniel Belfer

Chief Executive Officer, Bank J. Safra Sarasin, Switzerland

Level 1Top Executive

Alan Belfield

Chairman, Arup Group, United Kingdom

Level 1Top Executive

Hazem Ben-Gacem

Co-Chief Executive Officer, Investcorp, Bahrain

Level 1Top Executive

Gary Bencheghib

Founder, Make A Change World, Indonesia

Level 1Top Executive

Marc Benioff

Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer, Salesforce, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Amanda Bennett

Director, Voice of America, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Dick Benschop

President and Chief Executive Officer, Royal Schiphol Group, Netherlands

Level 1Top Executive

Stanley M. Bergman

Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Henry Schein, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Seth F. Berkley

Chief Executive Officer, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, Geneva

Level 1Top Executive

Lysa John Berna

Secretary-General, Civicus: World Alliance for Citizen Participation, South Africa

Level 1Top Executive

Matt Barnard

Chief Executive Officer, Plenty, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Roger Barnett

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Shaklee, USA

Level 1Top Executive

His All-Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew

Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch

Level 1Top Executive

Farouk A A Bastaki

Managing Director; Chairman of the Executive Committee, Kuwait Investment Authority (KIA), Kuwait

Level 1Top Executive

Werner Baumann

Chairman of the Board of Management; Chief Executive Officer, Bayer, Germany

Level 1Top Executive

Felipe Bayón

Chief Executive Officer, Ecopetrol, Colombia

Level 1Top Executive

Ross Beaty

Chairman, Pan American Silver, Canada

Level 1Top Executive

John M. Beck

Executive Chairman, Aecon Group, Canada

Level 1Top Executive

Beh Swan Gin

Chairman, Singapore Economic Development Board, Singapore

Level 1Top Executive

Alain Bejjani

Chief Executive Officer, Majid Al Futtaim, United Arab Emirates

Level 1Top Executive

Daniel Belfer

Chief Executive Officer, Bank J. Safra Sarasin, Switzerland

Level 1Top Executive

Alan Belfield

Chairman, Arup Group, United Kingdom

Level 1Top Executive

Hazem Ben-Gacem

Co-Chief Executive Officer, Investcorp, Bahrain

Level 1Top Executive

Gary Bencheghib

Founder, Make A Change World, Indonesia

Level 1Top Executive

Marc Benioff

Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer, Salesforce, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Amanda Bennett

Director, Voice of America, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Dick Benschop

President and Chief Executive Officer, Royal Schiphol Group, Netherlands

Level 1Top Executive

Stanley M. Bergman

Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Henry Schein, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Seth F. Berkley

Chief Executive Officer, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, Geneva

Level 1Top Executive

Lysa John Berna

Secretary-General, Civicus: World Alliance for Citizen Participation, South Africa

Level 1Top Executive

Afsaneh Mashayekhi Beschloss

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, RockCreek, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Ulrich L. Bettermann

President and Chairman of the Board, OBO Bettermann, Germany

Level 1Top Executive

Aneel Bhusri

Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Workday, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Jeroo Billimoria

Founder, One Family Foundation, Netherlands

Level 1Top Executive

Mohammed Bin Mahfoodh Bin Saad Al Ardhi

Executive Chairman, Investcorp, Bahrain

Level 1Top Executive

Hakan Binbasgil

Chief Executive Officer and Member of the Board, Akbank, Turkey

Level 1Top Executive

Kumar M. Birla

Group Chairman, Aditya Birla Group, India

Level 1Top Executive

Marco Bizzarri

Chief Executive Officer, Guccio Gucci, Italy

Level 1Top Executive

Kurt Bjorklund

Co-Managing Partner, Permira Advisers, United Kingdom

Level 1Top Executive

Dominic Blakemore

Chief Executive Officer, Compass Group, United Kingdom

Level 1Top Executive

Keith Block

Co-Chief Executive Officer, Salesforce, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Henry Blodget

Chief Executive Officer and Editor-in-Chief, Business Insider, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Kathy Bloomgarden

Chief Executive Officer, Ruder Finn, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Allen Blue

Co-Founder and Vice-President, Products, LinkedIn, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Zachary Bogue

Managing Partner, Data Collective, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Yannick Bolloré

Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Vivendi, France

Level 1Top Executive

Christel Bories

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Eramet, France

Level 1Top Executive

Candido Botelho Bracher

Chief Executive Officer, Itaú Unibanco, Brazil

Level 1Top Executive

Ana Botín

Group Executive Chairman, Banco Santander, Spain

Level 1Top Executive

Kjerstin Braathen

Chief Executive Officer, DNB, Norway

Level 1Top Executive

Sigve Brekke

President and Chief Executive Officer, Telenor Group, Norway

Level 1Top Executive

Marcus Brennecke

Managing Partner; Global Co-Head, Equity, EQT Partners, Germany

Level 1Top Executive

Heather Bresch

Chief Executive Officer, Mylan, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Jim Breyer

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Breyer Capital, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Carlos Brito

Chief Executive Officer, Anheuser-Busch InBev, Belgium

Level 1Top Executive

Jesper Brodin

Chief Executive Officer, IKEA Retail (Ingka Group), Netherlands

Level 1Top Executive

William F. Browder

Chief Executive Officer, Hermitage Capital Management, United Kingdom

Level 1Top Executive

Mike Brown

Chief Executive, Nedbank Group, South Africa

Level 1Top Executive

Nancy Brown

Chief Executive Officer, American Heart Association, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Martin Brudermüller

Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors and Chief Technology Officer, BASF, Germany

Level 1Top Executive

Amjad Bseisu

Chief Executive, EnQuest, United Kingdom

Level 1Top Executive

Thomas Buberl

Chief Executive Officer, AXA, France

Level 1Top Executive

Fares Bugshan

Vice-Chairman, Saudi Bugshan, Saudi Arabia

Level 1Top Executive

Alejandro P. Bulgheroni

Chairman, Pan American Energy, Argentina

Level 1Top Executive

Marcos Bulgheroni

Chief Executive Officer, Pan American Energy, Argentina

Level 1Top Executive

Sharan Burrow

General Secretary, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), Belgium

Level 1Top Executive

Jane Burston

Executive Director, Clean Air Fund, United Kingdom

Level 1Top Executive

Martin Burt

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Fundación Paraguaya, Paraguay

Level 1Top Executive

Oliver Bäte

Chief Executive Officer, Allianz, Germany

Level 1Top Executive

Pascal Cagni

Ambassador of France for International Investment; Chairman, Business France, France

Level 1Top Executive

Cai Mingpo

Founder and President, Cathay Capital Private Equity, France

Level 1Top Executive

Francesco Caio

Chairman, Saipem, Italy

Level 1Top Executive

Levent Cakiroglu

Chief Executive Officer, Koç Holding, Turkey

Level 1Top Executive

Ed Camara

Chief Executive Officer, Egon Zehnder International, Switzerland

Level 1Top Executive

David Cameron

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (2010-2016); President, Alzheimer’s Research UK, United Kingdom

Level 1Top Executive

Bertrand Camus

Chief Executive Officer, SUEZ, France

Level 1Top Executive

Demetrio Carceller Arce

Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Disa, Spain

Level 1Top Executive

Roger Carr

Chairman, BAE Systems, United Kingdom

Level 1Top Executive

Caroline Casey

Founder and Director, Valuable 500, Ireland

Level 1Top Executive

Marc N. Casper

President and Chief Executive Officer, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Laura M. Cha

Chairman, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEx), Hong Kong SAR, China

Level 1Top Executive

Chaiwat Kovavisarach

President and Chief Executive Officer, Bangchak, Thailand

Level 1Top Executive

Natarajan Chandrasekaran

Chairman, Tata Consultancy Services, India

Level 1Top Executive

Chang Dae-Whan

Chairman and Publisher, Maekyung Media Group, Republic of Korea

Level 1Top Executive

Chang Seung-Joon

Chief Executive Officer, Maekyung Media Group, Republic of Korea

Level 1Top Executive

Chansin Treenuchagron

Chief Executive Officer, PTT, Thailand

Level 1Top Executive

Bernard Charlès

Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Dassault Systèmes, France

Level 1Top Executive

Jean-Louis Chaussade

Chairman, SUEZ, France

Level 1Top Executive

Milton Cheng

Global Chair, Baker McKenzie, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Jonathan Cherki

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Contentsquare, France

Level 1Top Executive

Chew Shou Zi

Chief Financial Officer and President, International, Xiaomi, People’s Republic of China

Level 1Top Executive

Chey Tae-Won

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, SK Group, Republic of Korea

Level 1Top Executive

David Chiu

Chairman; Chief Executive Officer, Far East Consortium, Hong Kong SAR, China

Level 1Top Executive

H. S. Cho

President, Hyosung Group, Republic of Korea

Level 1Top Executive

Calvin Choi

Chairman and President, AMTD, Hong Kong SAR, China

Level 1Top Executive

Tejpreet Singh Chopra

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Bharat Light & Power (BLP), India

Level 1Top Executive

Niels B. Christiansen

Chief Executive Officer, LEGO Group, Denmark

Level 1Top Executive

Victor L. L. Chu

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, First Eastern Investment Group, Hong Kong SAR, China

Level 1Top Executive

Anatoly B. Chubays

Chief Executive Officer, RUSNANO, Russian Federation

Level 1Top Executive

Chung Euisun

Executive Vice-Chairman, Hyundai Motor, Republic of Korea

Level 1Top Executive

Sanford Climan

President, Entertainment Media Ventures, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Boris Collardi

Managing Partner, Pictet Group, Switzerland

Level 1Top Executive

Steve Collis

Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, AmeriSourceBergen, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Veronica Colondam

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, YCAB Foundation, Indonesia

Level 1Top Executive

Patrick Combes

Chairman, Compagnie Financière Tradition, Switzerland

Level 1Top Executive

Iain Conn

Group Chief Executive, Centrica, United Kingdom

Level 1Top Executive

Timothy D. Cook

Chief Executive Officer, Apple, USA

Level 1Top Executive

David Coppel Calvo

Chief Executive Officer, Coppel, Mexico

Level 1Top Executive

Michael Corbat

Chief Executive Officer, Citigroup, Citi, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Philippe Corrot

Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Mirakl, France

Level 1Top Executive

Stephen Cotton

General Secretary, International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), United Kingdom

Level 1Top Executive

Jim Coulter

Co-Founder; Co-Chief Executive Officer, TPG, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Elizabeth Cousens

President and Chief Executive Officer, United Nations Foundation, USA

Level 1Top Executive

David Craig

Chief Executive Officer, Refinitiv, United Kingdom

Level 1Top Executive

Gerhard Cromme

Chairman of the Advisory Board, Aroundtown, Luxembourg

Level 1Top Executive

Frans Cronje

Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, DataProphet, South Africa

Level 1Top Executive

Cui Weixing

Chairman, Deppon Logistics, People’s Republic of China

Level 1Top Executive

Stacey Cunningham

President and Chief Executive Officer, NYSE, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Ray Dalio

Founder, Co-Chairman and Co-Chief Investment Officer, Bridgewater Associates, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Gautam Dalmia

Managing Director, Dalmia Bharat, India

Level 1Top Executive

Kommer Damen

Chairman, Damen Shipyards Group, Netherlands

Level 1Top Executive

Mazen S. Darwazeh

Executive Vice-Chairman; President, Middle East and North Africa, Hikma Pharmaceuticals, Jordan

Level 1Top Executive

Hussain Dawood

Group Chairman, Dawood Hercules, Pakistan

Level 1Top Executive

Asha De Vos

Founder and Executive Director, Oceanswell, Sri Lanka

Level 1Top Executive

Mike DeNoma

Chief Executive Officer, Kanbawza Bank (KBZ), Myanmar

Level 1Top Executive

Mazen S. Darwazeh

Executive Vice-Chairman; President, Middle East and North Africa, Hikma Pharmaceuticals, Jordan

Level 1Top Executive

Hussain Dawood

Group Chairman, Dawood Hercules, Pakistan

Level 1Top Executive

Asha De Vos

Founder and Executive Director, Oceanswell, Sri Lanka

Level 1Top Executive

Mike DeNoma

Chief Executive Officer, Kanbawza Bank (KBZ), Myanmar

Level 1Top Executive

Thomas DeRosa

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Welltower, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Jean-François Decaux

Co-Chief Executive Officer, JCDecaux, United Kingdom

Level 1Top Executive

Alain Dehaze

Chief Executive Officer, Adecco Group, Switzerland

Level 1Top Executive

Rafael del Pino

Executive Chairman, Ferrovial, Spain

Level 1Top Executive

Ron Delia

Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Amcor, Switzerland

Level 1Top Executive

Michael S. Dell

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Dell Technologies, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Steve Demetriou

Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Jacobs, USA

Level 1Top Executive

Spencer Deng

Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Dorabot, People’s Republic of China

Level 1Top Executive

Volkmar Denner

Chairman of the Board of Management, Robert Bosch, Germany

Level 1Top Executive

John W.H. Denton

Secretary-General, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), France

Level 1Top Executive

Oleg V. Deripaska

Founder, Volnoe Delo Foundation, Russian Federation

Level 1Top Executive

Carmine Di Sibio

Global Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, EY, United Kingdom

Level 1Top Executive

Herbert Diess

Chief Executive Officer, Volkswagen Group, Germany

Level 1Top Executive

Jos Dijsselhof

Group Chief Executive Officer, SIX Group, Switzerland

Level 1Top Executive

Robert L. Dilenschneider

President and Chief Executive Officer, Dilenschneider Group, USA

Level 1Top Executive

James Dimon

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, JPMorgan Chase & Co., USA

Level 1Top Executive

Patrick Khulekani Dlamini

Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Development Bank of Southern Africa, South Africa

Level 1Top Executive

Kirill Dmitriev

Chief Executive Officer, Russian Direct Investment Fund, Russian Federation

Level 1Top Executive

Stefan Doboczky

Chief Executive Officer, Lenzing Group, Austria

Level 1Top Executive

Victor Dodig

President and Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC), Canada

Level 1Top Executive 

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